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Search  "temperature datalogger" 7 results have been found.

Showing 1 - 7 of 7 items
  • 333,48€

    Brand: Gemini data LoggersTinytag TV-4500 from Gemini Data Loggers monitors temperatures from -25 to +50°C and relative humidity from 0 to 100% using built-in sensors. The coated RH sensor offers good resistance to moisture and condensation. Like the rest of the View 2 range, this accurate and reliable unit has a display providing a visual readout.

  • 75,60€

    Brand: DostmannLOG 200 PDF temperature datalogger with LCD. The LOG 200 temperature data logger is a portable logger with LCD display that measures and record temperature over the range of -40 to +70°C and motion sensor for shock recording.

  • 117,10€

    Brand: Gemini Data LoggersThe TG-4080 is a cost-effective temperature logger ideal for monitoring goods in transit. It monitors from -40 to +70°C using built-in sensors and is tested to BS EN 12830 for frozen and chilled foods storage and transportation. Data can be downloaded via a USB cable, or for large numbers, an optional ACS-3030 inductive pad...

  • 97,20€

    Brand: Dostmann Electronic LOG200 TC PDF- data logger with display for temperature internaly and twice externally Temper­ature logger for temper­ature monit­oring inclusive motion sensor. Integ­rated USB-inter­face for auto­matic PDF-creation, incl. wall mount and 2 x Ther­mowire Type-K with 1m length. HACCP conform according to EN12830 (LOG200 only).

  • 484,80€

    Brand: Extech Records data on an SD card in Excel® format,  The SDL200 records data on an SD card in Excel format. 4-Channel datalogging with 6 Thermocouple types (J, K, E, T, R,S) and 2-Channel datalogging with RTD (Pt100Ohm) probes. Displays [T1, T2, T3, T4] or differential [T1-T2] readings. The data logger measures and record temperature over the range...

  • 129,00€

    Brand: Dostmann Electronic The LOG 100 Cryo Temperature Datalogger developed for monitoring of cryogenic temperature in transport or storage. The LOG 100 Cryo datalogger monitors the temperature with the external probe between -200°C to +250°C and with an internal probe in the range of -10 to +70°C. The datalogger does not include external PT1000 probe...

  • 119,68€

    Marca: Corintech - Lascar The EL-IOT-1 is a wireless, Cloud-connected temperature data logger. It comes with an internal sensor with a measurement range of -20°C to +60°C and 0.1°C resolution. Handy status indicators on the front of the device alert you, at a glance, to alarms, battery levels, and Wi-Fi connection strength.

Showing 1 - 7 of 7 items