Brand: Dostmann Hot Wire Anemometer – Precision and Efficiency in...
Brand: SensecaPrecise universal thermometer with with BNC connection for...
Brand: Comet System The smart, wireless thermometer designed to...
Brand: Comet System The smart, wireless thermometer designed to...
Brand: Senseca Universal waterproof and high-precision thermometer. The...
Brand: Aranet The PM sensor is designed to monitor indoor or outdoor air...
Brand: Evikon The E2608-NH3-E gas detector-transmitters with excellent...
Brand: Sauter The Sauter TB200-0.1US ultrasonic thickness gauge is a...
Brand: COMET SYSTEM IP67 waterproof multipurpose temperature probe with...
Brand: COMET SYSTEM Sensors with WiFi interface are designed to measure...
Brand: Extech The DO210 is a Dissolved Oxygen Meter which measures DO...
Brand: Aranet Cost-effective soil moisture sensor that helps to ensure...
Brand: Aranet The Aranet PRO Plus base station is a monitoring solution...
Brand: HW Group SMS-GW3 LTE is a central gateway that allows HWg...
Brand: Sauter Kern & Sohn Digital force gauge with a measuring range...
Brand: Water I.D. The Poollab® 2.0 photometer is the perfect solution...
Brand: Dostmann Electronic Thermometer with alarm function with glass...
Brand: HW group STE2 LITE is a simple-to-use LAN & WiFi thermometer...
Brand: Dostmann Electronic Monitor temperature with Accuracy and Ease....
Brand: Dostmann Electronic Alarm thermometer with calibration...
HACCPEMI, LDA, Edifício Estoril Office, Av. República 3000A, Esc. 19A, 2649-517 Alcabideche PORTUGAL
Kits for measuring conductivity, TDS, salinity, pH, mV, ORP, chlorine, STD and temperature.
Brand: DostmannThe precise pH-meter SET1 with interchangeable pH electrode (included) special insertion probe for the measurement of meat and other food, features an easy to read, LCD display. The SET1 meter indicates pH over the range of 0,00 to 14,00 pH with a resolution of 0.01 pH and an accuracy of ±0.01 pH.
Brand: Dostmann Electronic Measurement set for measurements of pH, conductivity, salt, mV, TDS and °C. Set inclusive calibration solutions pH4, pH 7, conductivity solution and batteries.
Brand: Dostmann Electronic Measurement set for measurements of conductivity and TDS. Set inclusive calibration solution and batteries.
Brand: Dostmann Electronic Measurement set for measurements of pH, and temperature. Set inclusive buffer solutions pH4, pH 7, and batteries.