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HACCPEMI, LDA, Edifício Estoril Office, Av. República 3000A, Esc. 19A, 2649-517 Alcabideche PORTUGAL

Gas Detectors and Analyzers

EMI LDA offers the gas detection systems for early detection and prevention of Gas Detection. Measurement and detection of combustible and refrigerant gases.

Gas Detectors and Analyzers There are 21 products.


  • O2/ CO2/ CO

    Carbon dioxide measurement is required in many applications from building automation and greenhouses to life science and safety.

    Carbon dioxide is a non-toxic and non-flammable gas. However, exposure to elevated concentrations can induce a risk to life. Whenever CO2 gas or dry ice is used, produced, shipped, or stored, CO2 concentration can rise to dangerously high levels. Because CO2 is odorless and colorless, leakages are impossible to detect, meaning proper sensors are needed to help ensure the safety of personnel.

    Effect of Different Levels of CO2

    350 to 450 ppmTypical atmospheric concentration
    600 to 800 ppmAcceptable indoor air quality
    1,000 ppmTolerable indoor air quality
    5,000 ppmAverage exposure limit over 8-hour period
    6,000 to 30,000 ppmConcern, short exposure only
    3 to 8% Increased respiration rate, headache
    > 10%Nausea, vomiting, unconsciousness
    > 20%Rapid unconsciousness, death
  • Ammonia NH3


    • Colorless combustible toxic gas with a characteristic pungent smell.
    • Lighter than air, density = 0,73 kg/m3
    • Lower explosive limit (LEL) = 15 %vol

    Health exposure limits (Directive 2000/39/EC):

    • 8 hours TWA = 20 ppm (14 mg/m3)
    • 15 mins STEL = 50 ppm (36 mg/m3)

    A colorless gas, highly soluble in water, with a characteristic pungent smell. Ammonia is a large-scale production of the chemical industry widely used as a raw material for the production of fertilizers and explosives,as a refrigerant,as a cleaning and antimicrobial agent. Ammonia is also produced naturally from the decomposition of organic matter, including plants and animals.

  • Carbon Monoxide CO


    Colorless, odorless and tasteless gas that is toxic to humans in concentrations above about 35 ppm. Lighter than air.

    • Density at 0 °C = 1,250 kg/m3
    • Density at 25 °C = 1,145 kg/m3
    • Lower explosive limit (LEL) = 12,5 %vol

    Health exposure limits (Directive 2000/39/EC):

    • 8 hours TWA = 20 ppm (23 mg/m3)
    • 15 mins STEL = 100 ppm (115 mg/m3)

    Carbon monoxide (CO) has anthropogenic origins in the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels or other carbon-containing organic matter. It arises in emissions from electricity production, industrial, commercial or residential combustion and also from transport with combustion engines. It can also have natural origins in volcanic eruptions and forest fires.

    In urban areas, road transport is the main source of CO and as such the concentrations of this pollutant vary with traffic variations. Furthermore, this pollutant is emitted in greater quantities when engines are at high speed, that is, when stopping and starting or at low speeds.

    CO can cause headache, dizziness and malaise even nausea and vomiting, it can even reduce the ability to learn, work and manual dexterity. The harmful effects on human health are due to its ability to irreversibly combine with blood hemoglobin which, instead of binding to oxygen in the lungs to transport it to tissues and carbon dioxide to transport it from tissues to lung tissues, this function is compromised by the occupation of the hemoglobin position by CO, which creates a very stable composition. With long exposure times it can even cause death.

    CO contributes to the formation of tropospheric ozone and its oxidation by oxygen in the air contributes to the greenhouse effect.

  • Oxygen O2


    • Colorless and odorless gas.
    • Oxygen is 1,1 times heavier than air.
    • Oxygen deficiency (less than 19% O2) is dangerous to human health.

    A colorless gas, one of the main components of the air.Oxygen is necessary for the breathing of humans and animals, oxygen deficiency is harmful to health.

    Oxygen: Oxidizing Gas for Life Support and Performance Optimization Applications

    Oxygen is a colorless, odorless and highly reactive diatomic gas, constituting one of the main components of the Earth's atmosphere, with an approximate concentration of 21%. It is the most abundant chemical element in the Earth's crust, predominantly present in the form of oxides, silicates and carbonates.

    In addition to its fundamental role as a breathing gas in medical and life support environments, oxygen has significant oxidizing properties that are exploited in multiple industrial sectors. Its use, in oxygen enrichment processes or partial replacement of atmospheric air, results in substantial gains in efficiency, allowing the optimization of chemical and biological processes, as well as improving performance and reducing the carbon footprint, when compared to sources alternative energy sources.

    The main industrial applications of oxygen include combustion and oxidation processes, biological fermentation, wastewater treatment, and aquaculture systems. In the metallurgical industry, oxygen is widely used in combination with gases such as acetylene (C₂H₂), other fuels or with argon (Ar) and carbon dioxide (CO₂) for metal cutting and welding operations, brazing, scarifying, thermal hardening, cleaning and casting. In the food sector, oxygen is used to preserve the color and freshness of perishable products, such as meat, by maintaining a controlled gaseous environment.

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Showing 1 - 20 of 21 items
Showing 1 - 20 of 21 items